Online Student Spotlight: Joe Roberts and Jenna Slaughter

Name: Joe Roberts

Circus Project student since: November, 2018

Favorite discipline: Silks

How has coronavirus affected you?

The social disconnect has been the biggest one for me.  I get bored and lonely and tired and it feels very isolating.

What online circus classes are you taking?

I’ve been tuning in to the Instagram Livestreams, and I’m also registered in two aerial Zoom classes. After experiencing Marina on the livestream, I signed up for her Flexibility class, also. 

I don't have access to any equipment, so a lot of the exercises are just my own resistance and body weight. I have gotten pretty creative with socks and cans of soup!

How are the online classes going?

The accountability of knowing that there's someone else out there that will be going through this too really helps to keep me on track to my goals. 

While the classes of course are different, being able to connect and share in the experience with everyone has provided me an outlet and an escape in these crazy times. 

These are super important for me - I need to stay active, and I sit for 8 hours a day.  This is a great outlet.

Joe Roberts

NAME: Jenna Slaughter

Circus Project student since: December 2018

Why circus?  Circus taps into a willingness to be vulnerable, to fail, to be weird, and to ultimately be supported on that journey by those around me. The Circus Project has become my lil' family and social support as well. 

How has coronavirus affected you?

This COVID-19 quarantine has tested my stress coping skills and my communication skills.  I recommend added self-care time to sift through stress during this quarantine.

What online circus classes are you taking?

I work during the livestreams, so I replay them back afterwards.  I’m also continuing with my Tumbling class and my Aerial 2 class, as well as additional private lessons with Saidah. 

How are the online classes going?

I've really appreciated the feedback and accountability there is with the Zoom classes.  It’s funny how much you look forward to hearing the other students in class complain, or go "you want me to do what?!"   Also, Saidah will 100% know and call you out if you aren't pointing your toes. 

I may not be able to do large portions of tumbling that I am used to do, but conditioning, handstands, forearm stands, and bridges are all fully accessible to me from home. Instead of focusing on the strength based skills I may lose through this, I've taken this opportunity to focus on my flexibility and the areas of my training that I can do from home.

What’s a favorite moment from online classes?

I think my favorite moment was just tuning in and dropping into my body again for the first time. That realization that the Circus Project is not just a place, its a group of people, a culture, it’s a collective movement. And, it can be accessed anywhere.

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